Council member
She is a PhD architect and an Associate Professor in Architectural and urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Design of the Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and guest teacher at the Southeast University in Nanjing (China). She’s actually a Council Member of the Italian National Scientific Society of the Architectural Design Professors (ProArch) and vice referent for the Bachelor program in Architecture of the Politecnico di Torino.
As a practicing architect, she has been involved in restoration and refurbishment projects for historical buildings, as well as in residential programs.
As a teacher, she’s running monodisciplinary and interdisciplinary design ateliers both at an undergraduate and master level and she’s supervising master thesis on the topic of Urban Morphology and Parametric Design.
As a researcher, her studies developed on three main directions: urban regeneration of dismantled urban areas and industrial heritage, urban morphology and contemporary living, parametric design. Together with these three axes, the pedagogy of the project constitutes a fourth transversal research theme. Her interest in architectural education is also the reason for her participation in the Italian national network of the first year’s Design ateliers (IncipitLab).
From 2016 she is an active member of the EAAE European Association for Architectural Education. Among her activities as a member she has been part of the writing group of the position paper “Towards a Charter on Architectural Education. Principles and Practices of Architectural Education: a Position Paper of the EAAE Education Academy”and she’s part of the Scientific and organizing committee of the related Education Academy Workshops. During the pandemic period she has been part of the scientific and organizing committee of the series of three EAAE Workshops focusing on online Architectural Education titled “Remote teaching”.
She’s currently part of the project “Teaching the Teachers”.
Turin 10152 , IT