EVENT. Published: February 9, 2024.

Daylight Talks 2024

Daylight Talks returns for 2024 – The Daylight Talks  explore  the significance  of  natural  light  in  architecture  and  present prominent  architects  and  educators working consciously and qualitatively with daylight in their projects and educational programmes.

The Talks are organised by the VELUX Group in collaboration with individual schools of architecture and they are endorsed by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).
Find out more: daylightandarchitecture.com/

Watch all the Daylight talks from 2023 here: https://www.eaae.be/event/daylight-talks-2023/

Presented by




Talk #20 – 21 May 2024
“On Daylight” Housing and Urban Planning
by Jan Gehl

Jan Gehl is a Danish architect, professor and urban planning consultant.
The Daylight Talk takes a holistic view on architecture and urges for a movement that focuses on “Cities for People”. With reference to paradigms in urban planning in the past 50 years, Jan Gehl urges that looking after people is crucial for livability, sustainability and health in the cities of the 21st century.

Around 1960 the paradigms for city planning were radically changed. Modernism became dominant, focus moved from a city of  Spaces to the city of Buildings surrounded by left over space. At about the same time the invasion of motor cars really took off.  In this process the care for the people using cities - looked after for centuries by tradition and experience – was completely left behind. Cities for People became an overlooked and forgotten dimension.  This is the story told by Jan Gehl in his book “Cities for People”(available in 39 languages) which goes on to describe why looking after people is crucial for livability, sustainability and health in the cities of  the 21st century.

The Daylight Talk is in collaboration with The Royal Danish Academy. Natalie Mossin, Head of Institute at the Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Architecture and Technology, will present the talk and moderate the Q&A session.

The Daylight Talk will be available to watch on the D/A website from 21 May 2024: https://www.daylightandarchitecture.com/daylight-talk/on-daylight-housing-and-urban-planning-a-daylight-talk-by-jan-gehl/


Talk #19 – 23 April 2024
‘Transitional Society: A Delicate Balancing Act’

by Francesco Veenstra
Francesco Veenstra is Government Architect for the Netherlands since 2021 and partner at Vakwerk architecten,  joins our line-up internationally acclaimed architects for the Daylight Talk titled ‘Transitional Society: A Delicate Balancing Act’.
The Daylight Talk, in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e),  will consider some of the massive challenges currently faced in society that have implications in our cities, the countryside, and industrial areas and what action needs to be taken now according to broad-based future studios.
Juliëtte van Duijnhoven, assistant professor in the Department of the Built Environment (TU/e), will present the talk and moderate the Q&A session.
The Daylight Talk will be available to watch on the D/A website from 23 April 2024
All information can be found on the D/A website:  https://www.daylightandarchitecture.com/daylight-talk/transitional-society-a-delicate-balancing-act/

Talk #18 – 29 February 2024
‘Light, Views, Transparencies’
By Liene Jākobsone

Liene is founding partner of the architecture and design office Sampling,  who joins our line-up of internationally acclaimed architects to give the Daylight Talk titled ‘Light, Views, Transparencies’. Discussing some of the practice’s projects, the Daylight Talk will reveal a significant part of the conceptual approach of Sampling: the exploration of how architecture unfolds in the eyes of its inhabitants and what unexpected and unusual experiences it can offer.
The Daylight Talk is in collaboration with the Art Academy of Latvia.
Dina Suhanova, researcher at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture at the Art Academy of Latvia, will moderate the talk and Q&A session.
The Daylight Talk will be available to watch on the D/A website from 29 February 2024.
All information can be found on the D/A website: https://www.daylightandarchitecture.com/daylight-talk/daylight-talk-18-by-liene-jakobsone/


May 21, 2024

