EVENT by: TOBB University of Economics & Technology. Published: July 9, 2018.

Open Call for Entries: Conceptual Expansions of Materiart


Tectonics/ways of doing/thinking of architecture face technical, aesthetic and cultural implications of the emerging digital technologies, communication technologies, and new materialiaties. Architectural practices in all the fields of the discipline are thus in a reformation process. Architecture as a discipline, to release its potential for innovation, needs to increase the capacity/flexibility of departmental curricula to absorb the transformation of practices stimulated by the advances in information, communication, and fabrication technologies that redefine ART and SCIENCE of MATERIALITY in architecture.

To enhance the relevance, quality, and impact of architectural design practice/education/research, the main goal of MATERIART Glossary: Conceptual Expansions is to instrument collected papers/concepts as a knowledge/experience exchange platform, as a locus for interaction among academy/research, practice/industry, and education fields of architecture discipline.

Accordingly, the contributions might address the conceptual expansions and their discussions within this frame. Conceptual expansions are not limited to a single concept. They could be complementary or contradictory pairs, re-constructed/re-defined concepts, new conceptualizations etc…

The concepts might be populated starting by the architect, locus, design, figure, deck, ship, materiality, curricula, pedagogy, technology, studio, contradiction, academia, practice, fabrication, information technologies, para disciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinary communication, non-formal learning, informal learning, design process, tectonics, innovation, learning by doing, practice/industry, material/immaterial, scape, -scape, archi-scape, fusion, hybridity, complexity, anchoring/contextualization, doing/thinking, research, re-, pre-, in-, non-, etc…

MATERIART is a 36 month-Erasmus+ Project that has commenced in September 2017. The project is corrdinated by TOBB University of Economics and Technology, the Department of Architecture, partnered by Eindhoven University of Technology, İstanbul Technical University, Münster University of Applied Sciences, University of Thessaly, University of Lisbon, and associate partnered by Oslo School of Architecture, University of Zagreb, University of Lusofona, Anhalt University of Applied Sciences.

* The collected concepts, which are considered to be a valuable body of the glossary, shall be published as a book.

Registration is required before submission of conceptual expansion.
If you have any queries of requiring further information, please contact: info@materiart.org

More information: www.materiart.org


2018-02-18  |  Call for Entries
2018-08-18  |  Submission of Conceptual Expansion
2018-11-01  |  Declaration of Accepted Conceptual Expansions
2019-01-10  |  Submission of Author Revisions



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Ankara, Turkey